Brewshed Alliance: Welcoming our newest member, Mother Earth Brewing Company!
Meet our newest Brewshed Alliance member: Mother Earth Brewing!
The Forest Service responds to conservation and community organizations' call for a new environmental review of the Stibnite Gold Project.
The public and conservation organizations pushed for a new environmental review of Perpetua Resources’ (formerly Midas Gold) Stibnite Gold Project after several major changes were made to the DEIS. The USFS responded, and will conduct a new Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, pushing further out the project timeline and offering new hope for the East Fork South Fork Salmon River.
UNITED: Streamtech Boats partners with IRU, builds boats, art that fuel conservation
Streamtech Boats was started by Link Jackson, who wanted to use his passions for boat building and art to make a difference for our rivers and fish. Streamtech Boats decided to partner with IRU, using their platform to support conservation initiatives and further awareness of our imperiled salmon and steelhead.
Small increase in Chinook runs are a far cry from recovery - despite what legislators may say.
Eastern Washington legislators are using small fluctuations in spring Chinook to tout that dams and fish can coexist, but these arguments miss the reality that salmon populations are still far below recovery goals and on a downward trend.
IRU, Partners, File Injunction to Increase Spill and Lower Reservoir Levels to Aid Endangered Snake River Salmon
Earthjustice, representing Idaho Rivers United and several of our partner conservation organizations, filed an injunction today to increase spill over dams in the Lower Snake River and Columbia River, and to lower reservoir levels to aid juvenile migrating salmon.
Low Water Years Spell Trouble for Salmon: 2021 is no exception
Drought conditions across much of the West mean it is an extremely low-water year, which spells trouble for salmon migrating back to Idaho.
Inclusive Idaho Recap: Helping everyone enjoy our rivers
Idaho Rivers United has teamed up with Inclusive Idaho, LEAP, and Idaho River Sports to create inclusive outdoor activities, helping individuals have opportunity and access to outdoor recreation.
Columbia Basin Collaborative: The process & what it means
The Columbia Basin Collaborative (CBC) held a second workshop this month to inform stakeholders of the trajectory for the newly formed regional salmon recovery process. The collaborative intends to develop a series of recommendations for lawmakers, meaning a lot of ‘process’ and lack of bold action.
Inclusive Outdoors: Learn To Fish Day on May 28th, 2021
Our first event in partnership with Inclusive Idaho is a youth fishing day on May 28th, 9:30 am-11:30 am for children who are refugees. If you love to fish, we need your help!
Losing through Winning
It is our uncompromising mission to ensure that salmon and steelhead do not go extinct. The science, empirically and unequivocally, shows us that the required path to recovery of Idaho’s salmon and steelhead is through restoring the Snake River to a free-flowing, natural river. We will go to court to ensure that our fish are not relegated to a history book, but let me be clear, we would rather be working together with the Tribes, farmers, and regional representatives on the proposal from Congressman Simpson that benefits each stakeholder group. A path forward that benefits every Idahoan has been offered, and it is our hope that we can move forward within this framework to achieve long-term salmon recovery and regional prosperity.
Congressional Reps, Key Stakeholders Discuss Columbia Basin Initiative at Andrus Center for Public Policy Environmental Conference
Boise, ID - Echoing their 2019 environmental conference, the Andrus Center for Public Policy hosted the Energy, Salmon, Agriculture, and Communities: Revisited conference on Thursday, May 13, 2021. The conference revolved around Congressman Simpson’s proposed plan for regional infrastructure investment in preparation for breaching the Lower Snake River Dams to recover Idaho’s endangered salmon. Keynote speakers included Shannon Wheeler, Chairman of the Nez Perce Tribe Executive Committee, Congressman Mike Simpson (ID-R), and Congressman Earl Blumenauer (OR-D).
Mining, Climate Change, & the General Mining Act of 1872
As we celebrate Earth Day 2021 and turn our focus towards climate change and how to Restore our Earth, we also face some challenging questions. How will we succeed in the transition to green technologies and protect our rivers and public lands?
AVEDA: Salons making a difference for our rivers
Earth Day - or Earth Month - is known as a time to celebrate and give back to our amazing planet. Many businesses take this concept to year-round initiatives, working tirelessly to make every day a day that gives back. Our Aveda partners do just that and are among our earth “year” heroes.
Idaho’s salmon are poised to thrive in a warmer world….if they can be recovered first
Climate change poses a range of threats to river systems across the globe; the Northwest is no exception. However, Idaho’s salmon are uniquely positioned to be quite resilient to living in a warmer world, and may be the key to reestablish salmon throughout the Columbia River Basin.
Protecting Salmon in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area
This summer, Idaho Rivers United and the Sawtooth National Forest are introducing a new program aimed at protecting endangered spawning salmon from human impacts during the summer months.
Stibnite Gold Project March Update: New name for Midas Gold Corporation, same risks to the South Fork Salmon River
The Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Stibnite Gold Project has had considerable revisions and modifications, but the changes were never released to the public for comment and review. IRU and partner organizations are asking the U.S. Forest Service to reopen the DEIS for public comment and give the public a voice on this massive, open-pit gold mine in the South Fork Salmon River headwaters.
Op-Ed: Drive for profit has taken S. Fork, salmon to edge of extinction
Op-Ed: Drive for profit has taken S. Fork, salmon to edge of extinction
By KEVIN LEWIS, former IRU Executive Director, originally published in The Star News
Midas wants us to believe that years of profit-driven mining is supposed to leave the East Fork of the South Fork of the Salmon River better than it is today. Idahoans are tired of promises for the South Fork Salmon River… The only thing that has proven true over the past 50-plus years is that the actions of private, profit-driven entities have taken the South Fork Salmon River and its salmon populations to the brink of extinction.
PRESS RELEASE: Idaho Rivers United applauds Congressman Simpson on Columbia Basin Fund plan to restore Lower Snake River and salmon
Congressman Simpson has proposed the Columbia Basin Fund, a comprehensive infrastructure package to restore wild salmon and steelhead and breach the Lower Snake River dams. The package incorporates measures to protect stakeholders, bolster agricultural communities, ensure energy stability, and revitalize Northwest communities. IRU applauds Congressman Simpson’s proposal and plan.
Congratulations to the 2020 IRU Annual River Award Recipients!
IRU is excited to announce the recipients of the 2020 River Awards! Throughout this year’s challenges, this group of members and partners found unique and creative ways to protect our rivers. Congratulations!
Predictions suggest another year of low salmon returns for 2021
Official predictions for 2021 Columbia Basin Chinook and sockeye returns were released late last year by regional fishery managers. The outlook for Idaho’s Snake River species in 2021 follows similar trends from the last few years: a very low abundance of wild salmon.