The Forest Service responds to conservation and community organizations' call for a new environmental review of the Stibnite Gold Project.

If you are concerned about the future of the South Fork Salmon River watershed and wondering what’s happening with the Stibnite Gold Project, we have good news for you. 

Payette National Forest recently released their Schedule of Proposed Actions through September 2021, with an updated timeline for the review process of Perpetua Resources Inc’s (formerly Midas Gold) open pit mining proposal. According to the release, Payette National Forest will conduct a new Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, with the draft document expected for release and public comment opportunity in March of 2022. A final record of decision is anticipated for June of 2023. This sets back the permitting process for Perpetua by nearly 2 years, as the final decision was originally set for fall of 2021. 

Idaho Rivers United, alongside partner organizations, submitted concerns to the U.S. Forest Service in both February and June of 2021, demanding a new environmental review of the Stibnite Gold Project due to the significant impacts of the mine plan, missing analysis in the original Draft Environmental Impact Statement, and the major changes proposed in a new modified plan submitted by Perpetua after the public comment period. Many individuals also sent letters to the USFS asking for a new environmental review through IRU’s take action page.

In addition to concerns from the public and conservation groups, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s review found significant concerns regarding impacts to water quality and aquatic life, and disproportionate impacts to tribal communities. The Nez Perce Tribe has treaty-reserved rights within the proposed project boundary, and has worked tirelessly and invested millions of dollars to restore fish habitat throughout the watershed. You can read the Nez Perce Tribe’s resolution on the Stibnite Gold Project here.

While Perpetua attempts to put a positive spin on this news for their investors, this news from the Forest Service is a clear win for conservation and community organizations, and all concerned stakeholders. With more time, and the additional public comment opportunity, we have the opportunity to further educate the public of the risks of the project, and encourage a just environmental review process. 

We’d like to extend our gratitude to all who submitted comments and letters to the Forest Service; your efforts paid off!

We support the Forest Service’s decision to initiate a new environmental review and opportunity for public comment. It will be critically important that this process addresses the significant flaws in the draft EIS, and takes a hard look at Perpetua’s modified plan.


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