Be a voice for Idaho’s rivers and wild fish.
Although Idaho Rivers United has grown into a statewide organization, our roots are in grassroots advocacy. We were created by a small group of conservation-minded paddlers and anglers.
We understand the power of your voice.
Whether the rivers you love are in your backyard or are your favorite place to play, you can have a say in how they are managed and protected. Speaking up for our waterways, rivers, and wild fish makes a difference. Your voice can influence policy, waterway protections, and elected officials.
The River RATs program is designed to help you be a voice for Idaho’s rivers and wild fish. We want to teach you how to advocate for the streams and rivers you love. Join us at one of our River RAT workshops and become part of a statewide network of Idahoans working to protect Idaho’s rivers.
River RAT (river advocacy training) sessions
Nez Perce - Clearwater River Forest Plan
In partnership with American Rivers & American Whitewater
Advocacy Resources
Want to contact your policymaker? Info for writing a Letter to the Editor? Find it here.
Our advocacy resources and guides are designed to help you advocate for the wild fish and wild rivers you love.
Check out our resources page for guides, contacts, tips, and more.