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Columbia-Snake Operations SEIS

Hold BPA accountable for salmon

  • Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA) reliance on the four Lower Snake River dams (LSRDs) as a piece of the federal hydrosystem is no longer viable or economical. Holding on to the dams suppresses the potential recovery of salmon runs in Idaho, leaving these fish at risk of near-term extinction. The legal, environmental, economic, and cultural implications associated with vulnerable Snake River salmon populations necessitate BPA to proactively plan for replacing the dams' energy generation. The Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative (CBRI) is a regional Tribal-State blueprint for recovering native fish and restoring water quality while modernizing our infrastructure and building-out the energy grid to meet future demands. The CBRI builds on decades of science pointing to the LSRDs as a primary salmon survival bottleneck and includes dam removal as a centerpiece action.  Crosscutting all of this is a rapidly warming climate that will bring less snow, earlier runoff, and more frequent and severe droughts across the Northwest, all of which negatively impact the viability of our aging hydropower system. 

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  • The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation have initiated a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for Columbia River System Operations (CRSO) – i.e. operation of the federally-owned hydropower system of dams on the Snake and Columbia Rivers. This SEIS aims to evaluate critical measures that could prevent the extinction of salmon and steelhead, including lower Snake River dam removal and replacement of their energy, transportation, and irrigation services.