River RAT
River Advocacy Training Videos
The public comment process
Basics of Public comment
Want to learn more about Public Comment? Check out our quick overview of what public comment is, the role it plays in conservation policy, how you can get involved.
Crafting a Public Comment Statement
Here are some helpful tips and guidance for crafting your own public comment statement.
Making Effective Public Comment
Of the thousands of public comments submitted, only a fraction are considered in policy decisions. Check out this video to learn more about what makes public comment effective - or ineffective - to make sure your comments are considered and heard.
River RAT Workshop: Nez Perce Clearwater Forest Plan Revision
Learn more about the proposed revisions to the Nez Perce-Clearwater Forest Plan, which will impact management for 1450 miles of Idaho's rivers and streams. Find out more about the plan and how you can get involved!
Issues & Workshops
River RAT Workshop: The Priest River
Learn about the current state of the Priest River, the work of the Kalispel Tribe, and the advocacy of local grassroots activists.
River RAT Workshop: Take Action for the Kootenai River
Learn about selenium pollution in the Kootenai River and how to take action to protect clean water and healthy rivers.
River RAT Workshop: Northwest in Transition Plan
Learn more about Congressman Simpson’s proposed Columbia Basin Initiative to recovery salmon, remove the lower Snake River Dams, and move our regions infrastructure and economy forward.
River RAT Workshop: Stibnite Gold Project
The proposed Stibnite Gold Project is a massive open-pit mining operation proposed for the headwaters of the South Fork Salmon. Hear more about the project from some people who care deeply about the South Fork Salmon: Pro-angler Thad Robinson of Animal Planet, professional kayaker Zac Sears, and professional adventure kayaker Ben Stookesberry.
River RAT Workshop: Speak up for salmon
We hosted a River RAT Workshop on Zoom focused on speaking up for salmon, specifically focused on the Governor’s Salmon Workgroup. Check out this video for more info on Idaho’s salmon and how you can get involved.
Salmon & the Columbia-Snake River Hydro-system DEIS
Learn more about the impact of the lower 4 Snake River dams on Idaho’s endangered salmon population, and how you can speak up for salmon through the Columbia-Snake River Hydro-system DEIS process.
River RAT Workshop: Nez Perce Clearwater Forest Plan Revision
Learn more about the proposed revisions to the Nez Perce-Clearwater Forest Plan, which will impact management for 1450 miles of Idaho's rivers and streams. Find out more about the plan and how you can get involved!