Brewshed Alliance: Welcoming our newest member, Mother Earth Brewing Company!

Idaho Rivers United’s Brewshed Alliance program brings together brewery partners across the state to advance our shared interest in protecting Idaho’s waterways. Brewshed members value Idaho’s rivers and waterways, because beer is more than 90% water! Brewshed members recognize that protected water upstream leads to quality, tasty beer downstream.

We are thrilled to welcome Mother Earth Brewing Company as the newest member of Idaho’s Brewshed Alliance. Mother Earth says:

“The team at Mother Earth is incredibly passionate about the beer we produce, and the water it comes from. We are proud to support all efforts to preserve and promote a clean and enduring water supply for all to enjoy. We are always striving to keep the “Earth” in Mother Earth Brewing. Cheers to clean water and great beer!”

The Mother Earth team put their values into action this summer, joining Idaho Rivers United and Boise Parks & Recreation for a volunteer day along the Boise River. The team helped weed and water native plant seedlings and assisted with re-wrapping riverside cottonwood trees with wire mesh for protection from hungry beavers.

We eagerly await the grand opening of Mother Earth’s downtown Boise taproom, but in the meantime, Brewshed supporters can visit them at their Nampa brewing facility and find their cans on shelves throughout Idaho (and beyond!).

Are you interested in learning more about Idaho’s Brewshed Alliance? Check out our Brewshed webpage to see if your favorite Idaho brewery is involved! If not, please encourage them to join us, because: great beer begins with clean water!


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