IRU Member Highlight: Doug Zamzow

IRU Member Highlight: Throughout the year we will be highlighting different Idaho Rivers United members, from folks who have been with us since the beginning (31 years!) to brand new members. We hope this series inspires connection. If you know someone who we should feature, please reach out to our Membership & Outreach Coordinator (

IRU Member: Doug Zamzow (IRU’s 2020 Member of the Year award recipient!). Doug has been a member of Idaho Rivers United since 2004!

What is your connection to rivers?

I enjoy them because the rivers are a huge part of Idaho (where I have resided over 70 years), and because there would be very little (ie. agriculture, recreation, wildlife, forests, clean air, wood products, etc.) in Idaho without the rivers.

I participate in camping, fishing, rafting, hiking, wildlife viewing, scenery, geology, sharng the outdoors with my family and friends, star viewing at night above the rivers, etc.

Why do you support Idaho Rivers United?

I support IRU because IRU supports my views of protecting the rivers/environment, and they do this for minimal expense.  They are effective (along with others) to influence government decisions/actions in a positive way 'for the Rivers'.

What is your favorite river in Idaho?

Tough question, as they all are special in many ways! That being said, I would say the South Fork of the NoName River - relatively easy access, great fishing/camping/rafting/hiking/wildlife viewing, etc.

Thanks, Doug, for your commitment to Idaho’s rivers! All members of Idaho Rivers United are so meaningful to the organization, but there’s something especially impactful about our sustaining monthly donors. This special group of IRU members have a deep love for Idaho’s rivers and care about their protection in perpetuity. Most sustaining donors tell us that they don’t even think about it after setup… for the cost of a cup of coffee, a monthly streaming fee, or whatever fits your budget, you can join this special crew of river defenders. Learn more about becoming a sustaining monthly member here.


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