ASUI Senate Passes Resolution to Call for Breaching of Lower Snake River Dams
The Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Idaho recently passed a resolution calling for breaching of the Lower Snake River dams. The resolution stated that “the four Lower Snake River Dams cause damage to the Snake River ecosystem, are costly to maintain, fail to produce promised economic benefits and are nearing the end of their useful lifespan”.
A Quick Update on Aveda Earthmonth
April for Idaho Rivers United usually means Aveda Earthmonth celebrations and events. Idaho Rivers United is grateful to be one of the beneficiaries of Aveda salon efforts in Boise, Twin Falls, Hailey, Pocatello and Idaho Falls.
Shock Doctrine: While we focus on COVID-19, federal rollbacks on environmental protection accelerate
The current federal administration has been no friend to conservation or the environment, rolling back nearly 100 federal regulations since taking office in 2017. Landmark environmental laws have been gutted, including the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and the Clean Water Act (CWA). Since the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic captured the full attention of the American public, the scale of rollbacks has dramatically accelerated.
IRU Members & Advocacy: Excerpts from IRU Member Public Comments
We are proud of the many IRU members who submitted comments for these policies during the review process, and we are grateful that some chose to share their comments with us. Check out these excerpts from public comments made by IRU members!
"Letter from a lifelong fisherman: the rivers were alive" - Tom Stuart
I’m a lifelong fisherman. As soon as I was able, I walked Colorado streambanks with my dad and grandmother, stalking trout for dinner. I quickly learned to love it – partly because of the fish, but largely because of the captivating beauty of the rivers.
Responsible Recreation & Social Distancing During COVID-19
For those of us fortunate to be home and healthy, social distancing has meant spending more time in nature. However, it is important that we recreate responsibly and stay local during this time. Here are some guidelines to consider when enjoying the outdoors during social distancing and Covid-19.
IRU participates in negotiated rulemaking to ensure our rivers have a voice
IRU continues work to protect the South Fork of the Salmon River from a large-scale gold mining proposal. The Stibnite Gold Project, proposed by Midas Gold Corporation, is still in the midst of the regulatory process, and we are awaiting the release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement sometime in spring 2020.
Supporting our small business partners during Covid-19
Some of our local river supporters are also trying hard to pivot their small businesses. We hope we can help just a bit. We hope we can help just a bit.
Let’s keep working together to keep our communities strong.
Despite Covid-19, DEIS Process for Columbia-Snake Hydrosystem Largely Unchanged
While our day to day lives have been radically altered by the spread of COVID-19, the federal government’s DEIS process continues to roll on, largely unchanged.
Press Release: EPA Further Delays Addressing Temperature Pollution from Snake and Columbia River Dams
March 4, 2020 (Seattle, WA)—Instead of taking action to address the hot water crisis killing salmon in the Columbia and Snake rivers, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today seeks additional delay.
Speak up: Ask the Forest Service to Protect the Main Payette in Banks!
Did you know that the Main Payette is an eligible Wild and Scenic River? Ask the Forest Service to protect its outstandingly remarkable values in Banks by March 2nd!
Updates in Politics and Policy: As Draft EIS for Columbia-Snake River release date approaches, calls throughout PNW for bold leadership and solutions increase
As the release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Columbia River Systems Operations approaches, voices throughout the region are asking leaders for meaningful action and solutions that will restore salmon and steelhead and protect Lower Snake River stakeholders.
Scientists Address PNW Policymakers, Member of Congress: Restoration of the Lower Snake River is Required to Save Salmon and Orcas
Five experts in salmon and orcas addressed PNW governors, policymakers, and members of Congress in a letter on February 20th. The letter provided a concise review of the best available science on the relationship between the Lower Snake River dams, Chinook salmon recovery, and Southern Resident population of orcas.
River Talk Recap: Steve Steubner at Idaho River Sports
Our River Talk series returned for the 2020 season with a talk by Steve Steubner at Idaho River Sports on February 18th. Steve is an avid hiker, mountain biker, and whitewater enthusiast…
River RAT Recap: Nez Perce Clearwater Workshop in McCall
Idaho River United was joined by Friends of the Clearwater at Salmon River Brewery in McCall for a River RAT Workshop (River Advocacy Training) last Thursday, February 20th. Over 20 people attended the workshop, which included an overview of the proposed Nez Perce Clearwater Forest Plan/Environmental Impact Statement and tips for engaging in advocacy.
For Immediate Release: Energy And Conservation Leaders Call On Elected Officials To Prioritize Urgent Snake River Issues
SEATTLE—In a letter to the Governors of Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Montana, energy company and conservation community leaders called on elected officials across the Pacific Northwest to prioritize collaborative solutions to address the issues surrounding the Lower Snake River, including the long-term decline of salmon and steelhead populations.
OR Gov. Brown Calls for Restoration of Lower Snake River and Salmon Recovery Partnership with WA
Oregon Governor Kate Brown sent a letter to Washington Governor Jay Inslee on February 11th emphasizing removal of the Lower Snake River dams as the necessary long-term solution for salmon recovery.
Updates in Politics and Policy for Salmon & Steelhead: January 2020
January saw political processes related to salmon recovery resume in both Idaho and Washington.
Late last December, Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s office released a draft Lower Snake River Dams Stakeholder Engagement Report. The report contained major takeaways gained from a months-long interview process. Interviewees provided differing responses to questions on what dam breaching would…
IRU River RAT Salmon Workshop Recap: 36 attend discussion & workshop at Payette Brewing
Last Thursday, 1/17, 36 people attended Idaho Rivers United’s Salmon Advocacy Workshop at Payette Brewing. The workshop focused on the history of the Lower Snake River, Idaho’s salmon and steelhead, and ways to engage in grassroots advocacy for salmon and steelhead restoration.
In the end, Stibnite project is an open-pit mine
Originally published in the McCall Star News, January 19, 2020, 54TH YEAR, NO. 10, pg.4. Click Here to subscribe,
There was a time when I thought the Stibnite Gold Project may be favorable for Valley County. After all, the proposed location is a previously impacted mine site and is predicted to create many jobs. However, we need to take a closer look at what the Stibnite Gold Project really has to offer.