Speak up: Ask the Forest Service to Protect the Main Payette in Banks!

Did you know that the Main Payette is an eligible Wild and Scenic River? Ask the Forest Service to protect its outstandingly remarkable values in Banks by March 2nd!

If you kayak or raft the Payette River and its forks, then you know the intersection of Highway 21 and Highway 55 quite well. Banks is hub for many classic Idaho whitewater experiences as the put-in for the Main Payette, and take-out for the South Fork Payette Staircase and North Fork Lower Five sections. Some folks refer to it as the “Center of the Universe”. 

Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has a maintenance and storage facility located just north of the parking lot and Banks River Access Site. The special use permit for this facility recently expired (it’s located on Boise National Forest), and the Forest Service is proposing to renew this permit for the next 20 years. While we all value the important services provided by ITD to keep our roads safe and in good shape, this facility’s location on the shore of such a valued river isn’t the perfect spot.

 The 2010 Boise National Forest Plan found the Payette River to be eligible for designation under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act because of its free-flowing status and Outstandingly Remarkable Value for recreation. This includes the Banks River Access Site, where the ITD facility is located. The forest plan also includes an objective to evaluate an alternative site for the ITD facility, and develop a relocation plan if a viable alternative is identified.

We believe the Forest Service should consider alternatives that could enhance the put-in at Banks for river users, and protect the Payette’s Outstandingly Remarkable Values. Alternatives for the site could include ecological restoration, additional day use infrastructure, or interpretive trails. Any alternative should also consider impacts to increased congestion and use. In considering alternatives, there is an opportunity for ITD to relocate its facility to a better site, and to improve the incredible recreational resource that we cherish at Banks. 

What you can do

Let the Forest Service know that you value the Payette River and Banks! Include what you think is the best way to protect the Wild and Scenic Recreational Values of the site. Let them know what Banks, and the Payette River, mean to you. The Forest Service is currently accepting public comments, and they want to hear from you. Head over to the Boise National Forest proposal website to read more about the proposal, and submit comments by clicking “Comment/Object on Project” on their website or click here. Comments are due March 2nd. 

Additional Resources

Boise National Forest Plan Objectives and Goals

Objective 0943: Evaluate relocating the State of Idaho Maintenance shed to provide additional parking for recreation needs. If the evaluation identifies viable alternatives to the current location, develop a relocation plan.

Objective 0925: Improve river access near Banks by expanding parking areas and improving changing rooms to enhance recreation experiences and increase opportunities.

Objective 0926 Evaluate Banks Beach area for potential expansion and improvement to enhance river-related recreation opportunities and experiences. Expand existing facilities to accommodate increasing use if possible.

Objective 0929 Complete vegetation management plans for Banks River Access, Banks Store and Café, Banks Beach, and high-use dispersed sites.


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