Updates in Politics and Policy: As Draft EIS for Columbia-Snake River release date approaches, calls throughout PNW for bold leadership and solutions increase

As the release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Columbia River Systems Operations approaches, voices throughout the region are asking leaders for meaningful action and solutions that will restore salmon and steelhead and protect Lower Snake River stakeholders. 

Over the last two weeks, five independent letters have been delivered to elected officials throughout the PNW calling for solutions and new approaches to restoring salmon and steelhead in the Columbia-Snake River system. The DEIS is required to consider the impact of the Lower Snake River dams on endangered salmon and steelhead, which have caused a dramatic decline in wild fish populations since their construction.

On February 11th, Oregon Governor Kate Brown sent a letter to Washington Governor Jay Inslee, emphasizing removal of the Lower Snake River dams as the necessary long-term solution for salmon recovery. The letter praised Gov. Inslee’s efforts for collaborative, solutions-based discussions, and encouraged partnership between WA and OR Lower Snake River restoration. Read more on Gov. Kate Brown’s letter here.

On February 20th, a white paper and letter penned by five leading salmon and Orca scientists were delivered to Northwest policymakers. The paper provided a thorough review of the best available science relating to salmon and Orca restoration and emphasized dam removal as the necessary solution to recover salmon and the Southern Resident Orca population. Read more about the white paper and cover letter here.

In a letter directed to the governors of Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Montana, a coalition of conservation groups, utility companies, and port managers asked for proactive leadership and solutions for the Columbia-Snake River system. They emphasized that the debate over “the management and impacts of the Columbia Basin’s federal dams have reached an inflection point”, and that elected officials should use the release of the DEIS as a catalyst for crafting a long-term vision and strategy to address the needs of communities while also restoring salmon populations.  To read the letter, click here.

A sign-on letter from 42 Washington State legislators was delivered to Gov. Inslee expressing support and appreciation for his leadership. The letter encouraged continuing progress through solutions-based and collaborative conversations in year two of Governor Inslee’s Lower Snake Dam stakeholder study process. To read the letter, click here.

A fifth letter from community leaders throughout Idaho’s Clearwater and Salmon Rivers to Gov. Brad Little and the Congressional Delegation emphasize the urgency of salmon and steelhead recovery. Coordinated by Idaho Wildlife Federation, the letter brought together voices from rural riverside communities that have been heavily impacted by the decline of salmon and steelhead.

With the upcoming release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, communities are coming together to emphasize the importance of salmon and steelhead. Our political representatives should receive this clear message that their leadership is needed to create bold, long-term solutions for salmon recovery that support all Lower Snake River stakeholders.


Speak up: Ask the Forest Service to Protect the Main Payette in Banks!


Scientists Address PNW Policymakers, Member of Congress: Restoration of the Lower Snake River is Required to Save Salmon and Orcas