Columbia Basin Collaborative Meeting Recap
Stephen Pfeiffer Stephen Pfeiffer

Columbia Basin Collaborative Meeting Recap

The Columbia Basin Collaborative’s (CBC) Integration and Recommendations Group held its first official meeting late last month virtually over Zoom. This was the first of a year-long series of meetings focused on regional salmon recovery that originated from a four-state agreement signed last fall.

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Army Corps Required to Limit Hot Water Pollution from Lower Snake Dams
Press Releases Stephen Pfeiffer Press Releases Stephen Pfeiffer

Army Corps Required to Limit Hot Water Pollution from Lower Snake Dams

In September the EPA issued discharge permits to the Army Corps of Engineers that will limit hot water and oil pollution stemming from the four Lower Snake River dams. This is a significant step in the effort to cool down river temperatures that are lethal to migrating salmon and steelhead, and a culmination of IRU’s work over the last 30 years to hold dam operators accountable to the Endangered Species Act.

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New Momentum Builds for Idaho Salmon Recovery
Nic Nelson Nic Nelson

New Momentum Builds for Idaho Salmon Recovery

However, recent activity has not only renewed hopes of restoring the lower Snake River to a free-flowing river and saving endangered salmon and steelhead, but has signaled that “The times they are a-changing.”

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Press Release: Snake River: Conservation & Fishing Groups Agree to Pause Litigation, Discuss Long-Term, Comprehensive Solution to Aid Struggling Salmon
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Press Release: Snake River: Conservation & Fishing Groups Agree to Pause Litigation, Discuss Long-Term, Comprehensive Solution to Aid Struggling Salmon

Portland, OR – Earthjustice, on behalf of a coalition of fishing and conservation groups, today joined with Biden administration agencies, the State of Oregon and the Nez Perce Tribe to seek a pause until next summer in litigation challenging the latest federal plan for hydropower operations on the Snake and Columbia Rivers. The request for a stay includes an agreement for specific dam operations in 2022. If the Court grants the stay, these parties have committed to use the time to work together to develop and implement a comprehensive, long-term solution that could resolve the long-running litigation over dam operations in National Wildlife Federation v. National Marine Fisheries Service.

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Losing through Winning
Nic Nelson Nic Nelson

Losing through Winning

It is our uncompromising mission to ensure that salmon and steelhead do not go extinct. The science, empirically and unequivocally, shows us that the required path to recovery of Idaho’s salmon and steelhead is through restoring the Snake River to a free-flowing, natural river. We will go to court to ensure that our fish are not relegated to a history book, but let me be clear, we would rather be working together with the Tribes, farmers, and regional representatives on the proposal from Congressman Simpson that benefits each stakeholder group. A path forward that benefits every Idahoan has been offered, and it is our hope that we can move forward within this framework to achieve long-term salmon recovery and regional prosperity.

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PRESS RELEASE: Idaho Rivers United applauds Congressman Simpson on Columbia Basin Fund plan to restore Lower Snake River and salmon
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PRESS RELEASE: Idaho Rivers United applauds Congressman Simpson on Columbia Basin Fund plan to restore Lower Snake River and salmon

Congressman Simpson has proposed the Columbia Basin Fund, a comprehensive infrastructure package to restore wild salmon and steelhead and breach the Lower Snake River dams. The package incorporates measures to protect stakeholders, bolster agricultural communities, ensure energy stability, and revitalize Northwest communities. IRU applauds Congressman Simpson’s proposal and plan.

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PRESS RELEASE: Fishing, Conservation Groups Return to Court to Challenge Latest Failed Plan for Columbia-Snake Salmon
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PRESS RELEASE: Fishing, Conservation Groups Return to Court to Challenge Latest Failed Plan for Columbia-Snake Salmon

Portland, OR – Today, Earthjustice on behalf of a coalition of fishing and conservation groups returned to court to challenge the latest federal plan for hydropower operations on the Snake and Columbia Rivers…This is the eighth incarnation of this long legal fight to restore endangered salmon and steelhead.

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Press Release: NW conservation and fishing organizations praise governors’ salmon agreement; press for urgency and action
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Press Release: NW conservation and fishing organizations praise governors’ salmon agreement; press for urgency and action

SEATTLE—Conservation organizations throughout the Pacific Northwest today praised an Agreement issued by Governors Brad Little of Idaho, Kate Brown of Oregon, Jay Inslee of Washington and Steve Bullock of Montana outlining goals for a regional initiative to restore salmon in the Columbia-Snake River basin.

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For Immediate Release: Energy And Conservation Leaders Call On Elected Officials To Prioritize Urgent Snake River Issues
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For Immediate Release: Energy And Conservation Leaders Call On Elected Officials To Prioritize Urgent Snake River Issues

SEATTLE—In a letter to the Governors of Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Montana, energy company and conservation community leaders called on elected officials across the Pacific Northwest to prioritize collaborative solutions to address the issues surrounding the Lower Snake River, including the long-term decline of salmon and steelhead populations.

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