ASUI Senate Passes Resolution to Call for Breaching of Lower Snake River Dams

The Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Idaho recently passed a resolution calling for breaching of the Lower Snake River dams. The resolution stated that “the four Lower Snake River Dams cause damage to the Snake River ecosystem, are costly to maintain, fail to produce promised economic benefits and are nearing the end of their useful lifespan”. (Click Here to read the resolution)

The resolution makes several key statements on the benefits of breaching the four dams, emphasizing the devastating impact of the dams on salmon, the inadequacy of the “preferred alternative” in the Environmental Impact Statement, and the decreasing economic value of the dams. It has been sent to several agencies, elected officials, and policymakers, including Bonneville Power Association, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Gov. Little, the Idaho State Legislature, and members of U.S. Congress representing Idaho.

The dams, which account for only a small percentage of regional power production, have devastated salmon populations since their construction. Salmon returns are continuing a downward trend toward extinction, despite over $17 billion spent on salmon recovery efforts.  

“Extinction is forever. People can continue to debate if they should be breached or not, but each year that passes we see fewer and fewer salmon. The time to act is now before it's too late,” said USUI Senator Mary Alice Taylor, who helped author the resolution. 

The Environmental Impact Statement for the dams indicated that beaching the dams was the best option for reaching objectives for improving salmon populations, but it was not selected as the ‘preferred alternative’. Salmon are the driving economic force for many of Idaho’s rural, riverside towns. Declining populations have years of low salmon returns and regional fishing closures, which has had devastating impacts on the outfitting, guiding, and recreation industry.  

Per the resolution, “the Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Idaho encourages the breaching of the Lower Snake River Dams as the cities of Lewiston and Clarkston would benefit from a free-flowing river, electric rates for customers would barely change, would allow more salmon to return to spawn, and other fish and aquatic animal species populations would increase”.

IRU applauds the ASUI Senate for developing a resolution built on the best available science and economic evaluation. The Senate has demonstrated bold leadership for salmon in crafting a clear, data-driven resolution that represents the interest of UI Students, and placing it in the hands of our political leaders and agencies. It is time for our leaders to follow the science and economics on salmon recovery, and to listen to the growing voices of Idahoans asking for solutions for salmon. Each year, salmon populations continue to dwindle, moving closer to extinction. We need bold, creative solutions from our leaders to ensure a future for Idaho’s iconic salmon before it is too late. The time to act is now. 

The goal of the Associated Students of the University of Idaho serves as institutions governing body, representing the interests of students to UI departments, administration, ID Board of Education, and the Idaho State Legislature.


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