Event Recap: Idaho Gives & Virtual Wild & Scenic Film Fest

Even with sheltering-in-place and social distancing, the last few weeks have been busy at IRU with Idaho Gives and our first-ever virtual Film Festival!  We celebrated Idaho Gives 2020 April 23rd -May 7th, and we hosted our Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival during the last week of April as well. Thank you to everyone who attended and took part in these events! 

Idaho Gives: April 23rd-May 7th

First of all, THANK YOU! We were absolutely overwhelmed by the generosity, support, and enthusiasm of the IRU family. 

May 7th concluded this year’s Idaho Gives. Idaho Gives has historically been a one-day event, but in light of the Covid-19 crisis, it was opened for a two-week period. Once again, we were astounded by the support and generosity of the IRU family. We set our goal a little bit higher this year at $22,000, and by mid-morning on May 7th, we had already surpassed it! 

Together, the IRU community contributed $27,813 to protecting and restoring Idaho’s rivers! Your contribution to IRU allows us to continue to work toward greater protections for our rivers. We would not be able to do our work without your support. We’re humbled and grateful for your investment in IRU, and 

Despite not being able to host our usual Idaho Gives gathering at Payette Brewing, we ended the day on a fun note with a virtual happy hour! Together we celebrated another successful year and toasted to IRU’s 30th birthday. We share a few updates on our work from the last few months, a few videos, and heard from a few of the IRU board members. Thank you to everyone who attended! We hope that you will join us for future virtual talks and happy hours - stay tuned for upcoming dates!

Virtual Wild & Scenic Film Festival: April 24-28th

Since we could not meet in person for our annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival this year, we hosted it virtually! Over 4 days, attendees could stream on-demand 10 inspiring films about conservation, wildlife, and the people working to protect the wild places we love. 

It was another successful year for the IRU Wild & Scenic Film Fest with over 250 tickets sold - an exciting turnout for a first-ever virtual event! We’re already looking forward to hosting future virtual and film festival events. If you were unable to attend, stay tuned more Wild & Scenic Film Festival Events!

Thank you again to everyone who joined us for events during this unusual time. We are continuously grateful for your support and investment in our rivers. We can’t wait to see you all in person!  


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