Thank you to our Auction Sponsors and Donors!
Without a doubt, our greatest strength is our members and partners. These supporters make our conservation efforts go farther and allow our work to continue by sharing our mission, working with others, and helping to make IRU’s events and fundraisers successful.
IRU's first River Fellow, Tess McEnroe, and the future of IRU's Guide Education
IRU is excited to introduce our first ever Graduate Fellow, Tess McEnroe! Tess will be focused on developing and enhancing IRU’s Guide Educaiton program by developing an online certificate program. The Wild & Scenic Stewardship Guide Education Program will provide guides with a comprehensive opportunity to learn more about salmon, steelhead, and the Middle Fork Salmon River through a virtual platform.
Reflecting on 30 years: Tom Kovalicky, IRU Board Advisor
I was eager to share my knowledge from my Nez Perce National Forest and Nez Perce Tribe experiences protecting the watersheds from excessive and careless logging and road building. The Forest Management Team changed the extractive resource models to new holistic approaches that favored water quality and adramous habitat.
IRU allowed me to share that experience first hand.
These places are worth protecting: Caitlin Straubinger, IRU Staff
A few weeks ago, I drove up the windy South Fork Salmon road, following the curve of the river to a campsite on the riverbank, nestled in the pines. My colleagues and I waded in the cool water, chatted around a quiet campfire, and checked out the Neowise comet in the astonishingly dark sky.
Recap: IRU's first ever River Run was a success!
Big thanks to all who participated in our inaugural IRU River Run! Twenty-five eager river-supporters registered to walk, run, hike, paddle, bike (and in one instance, boogie board!) their way to fundraising victory for our rivers. We were blown away by the over $4,000 they raised in their fundraisers.
Stibnite Draft EIS Released, Putting Headwaters of the South Fork Salmon at Risk
The DEIS for this massive, open-pit gold mine is so inadequate that it precludes meaningful analysis. This DEIS, put simply, does nothing to alleviate our concerns about the myriad risks Midas would pose to the watershed of the South Fork, the recreational values of the area, and the public lands that it will impact.
Federal Agencies Fail Salmon & Idaho in Columbia-Snake River FEIS Plan
Today, The Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration released the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Columbia River System Operations, a critical document in the review process for the Lower Snake River dams’ operations and for the fate of salmon and steelhead in Idaho.
The 28,000 Acre Payette Lake Land Transfer: What it means for Public Lands & Payette Lake
A 28,000 acre swath of State-managed lands surrounding Payette Lake is in jeopardy of falling into private hands. Trident Holdings LLC is proposing a land exchange with the State of Idaho in order to acquire these forestlands, which provide important public recreation opportunities, wildlife habitat, and clean water benefits for the area.
Reflecting on 30 years: Wendy Wilson, first IRU Executive Director and Founding Member
Idaho is the best place in the world for people who love wild rivers. But, when Idaho Rivers United was founded in 1990, no one knew how successful it would be or how many friendships would be made along the way.
Reflecting on 30 years: John Wells, current IRU Board President
I became a member of Idaho Rivers United in 1992 after a Selway River trip with IRU's first Executive Director Wendy Wilson. It was 2 years after IRU's founding, and not long after it's genesis as the ‘Friends of the Payette’ with the sole mission…
A Vision For the Next 30 Years: Nic Nelson, IRU Executive Director
A couple of days ago I woke up and read the newly released Final EIS on the proposed Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska. The FEIS, which contradicts the findings of the previous administration, identifies almost 200 miles of streams and more than 4,600 acres of wetlands that would be impacted…by Phase 1 of the project….
Press Release: Outdoor recreation and conservation advocates challenge EPA rule granting industry priority over state, public in clean water decisions
SEATTLE—Citing breathtaking levels of overreach, conservation, fishing, and paddling advocates today filed a complaint in federal court challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) final rule effectively sidelining the role the states and the public have long played in permitting decisions affecting clean water.
Idaho conservation groups work to protect the headwaters of the Wild and Scenic Jarbidge River from proposed mining exploration
Newcrest Resources Inc, an Australian mining corporation, recently submitted a plan to conduct exploratory drilling for gold in the upper watershed of the Jarbidge River. IRU and other conservation non-profits are working to protect water quality, reduce the size of the site, and protect endangered Bull Trout.
A Big Win for Your Public Lands: IRU, ICL, and ISC secure increased protections for public lands and Jarbidge River during mining project on Idaho/Nevada border
Idaho Rivers United, alongside partners Idaho Sierra Club and Idaho Conservation League, secured additional protections for the headwaters of the Wild & Scenic Jarbidge River that would be impacted by a gold mining exploration project along the Nevada-Idaho border.
Alaska and Idaho Salmon: Pride of Bristol Bay and Idaho Rivers United
Pride of Bristol Bay and Idaho Rivers United are supportive business partners. We share salmon conservation issues, work together to protect fisheries from detrimental mining proposals, and share the same values about protecting wild salmon and wild rivers in all our key fishery systems. Learn more about Pride of Bristol Bay & purchase your sustainably caught, wild Alaskan salmon!
EPA Releases Overdue Plan for Hot Water Killing Salmon in Columbia-Snake Rivers
After two decades, the EPA has released a long-overdue plan to address hot water killing salmon in the Columbia and Snake River.
Purchasing with Purpose: Easy indirect ways to support IRU!
Did you know there are easy ways to support Idaho’s rivers while you do everyday shopping? If you took 5 minutes today to activate these shopping programs for companies you may already support, we would be so grateful!
WA Sets Temperature Limits for Federally Managed Columbia and Snake River Dams to Protect Salmon
For the first time, Washington State has exercised its authority to set temperature and pollution regulations for the 8 federally managed Columbia-Snake River dams to save imperiled salmon. WA has issued 401 Clean Water Act Certifications that set TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Load) for oil pollution and temperature
Supporting Guides and Outfitters During COVID-19
For many of our Guide and Outfitter partners, this has been a particularly devastating year. Covid-19 has left many of them in a place of uncertainty and stress. These local, small businesses are foundational in the river community, providing thousands of people opportunities for exploration and adventure on some of the most pristine and renowned rivers in the west.
Event Recap: Idaho Gives & Virtual Wild & Scenic Film Fest
Despite sheltering-in-place and social distancing, the last few weeks have been busy at IRU with Idaho Gives and our first-ever virtual Film Festival! We celebrated Idaho Gives 2020 April 23rd -May 7th, and we hosted our Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival during the last week of April as well.