Recap: IRU's first ever River Run was a success!

Big thanks to all who participated in our inaugural IRU River Run! This event would not have been possible without each of our participants and the generous support of our sponsors. Thank you to the Riverside Hotel for presenting this event, and to Cabelas, Idaho River Sports, and Rain Salon & Spa for their sponsorship!

Twenty-five eager river-supporters registered to walk, run, hike, paddle, bike (and in one instance, boogie board!) their way to fundraising victory for our rivers.  We were blown away by the over $4,000 they raised in their fundraisers.

We were inspired to hear about how each individual or team set goals for themselves and recruited family/friends to sponsor their efforts.  Some of our youngest members, Canyon and Dax, pledged to run in costume for every $75 raised.  Oliver, in Boise, boogie boarded 10 miles down the Boise River, then biked upstream to his home (providing updates for his supporters on Facebook Live along the way).  Jessica, a phenomenal artist in Coeur d’Alene, sent hand-painted postcards to any supporter who donated at least $20 to her River Run.  Doug, also in Boise, rode a marathon on his bike everyday.  The list goes on and on, as each participant pledged to do something special throughout the two week River Run period.

We are looking forward to expanding this program in the years to come.  We envision some in-person events, more friendly competition, and group paddles/walks/runs to enjoy our rivers together.

Again, our deepest thanks to everyone!  These funds are vital to supporting the work we do protecting and advocating for Idaho’s rivers.  We are so grateful for every effort!


These places are worth protecting: Caitlin Straubinger, IRU Staff


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