Responsible Recreation & Social Distancing During COVID-19
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Responsible Recreation & Social Distancing During COVID-19

For those of us fortunate to be home and healthy, social distancing has meant spending more time in nature. However, it is important that we recreate responsibly and stay local during this time. Here are some guidelines to consider when enjoying the outdoors during social distancing and Covid-19.

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River RAT Recap: Nez Perce Clearwater Workshop in McCall
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River RAT Recap: Nez Perce Clearwater Workshop in McCall

Idaho River United was joined by Friends of the Clearwater at Salmon River Brewery in McCall for a River RAT Workshop (River Advocacy Training) last Thursday, February 20th. Over 20 people attended the workshop, which included an overview of the proposed Nez Perce Clearwater Forest Plan/Environmental Impact Statement and tips for engaging in advocacy.

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For Immediate Release: Energy And Conservation Leaders Call On Elected Officials To Prioritize Urgent Snake River Issues
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For Immediate Release: Energy And Conservation Leaders Call On Elected Officials To Prioritize Urgent Snake River Issues

SEATTLE—In a letter to the Governors of Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Montana, energy company and conservation community leaders called on elected officials across the Pacific Northwest to prioritize collaborative solutions to address the issues surrounding the Lower Snake River, including the long-term decline of salmon and steelhead populations.

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Updates in Politics and Policy for Salmon & Steelhead: January 2020
Stephen Pfeiffer Stephen Pfeiffer

Updates in Politics and Policy for Salmon & Steelhead: January 2020

January saw political processes related to salmon recovery resume in both Idaho and Washington. 

Late last December, Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s office released a draft Lower Snake River Dams Stakeholder Engagement Report. The report contained major takeaways gained from a months-long interview process. Interviewees provided differing responses to questions on what dam breaching would…

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In the end, Stibnite project is an open-pit mine
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In the end, Stibnite project is an open-pit mine

Originally published in the McCall Star News, January 19, 2020, 54TH YEAR, NO. 10, pg.4. Click Here to subscribe,


There was a time when I thought the Stibnite Gold Project may be favorable for Valley County. After all, the proposed location is a previously impacted mine site and is predicted to create many jobs. However, we need to take a closer look at what the Stibnite Gold Project really has to offer.

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IRU, Advocates for the West, and Partners Secure Victory for Salmon & Steelhead: Ninth Court upholds that EPA must reduce Columbia and Snake River Temperatures
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IRU, Advocates for the West, and Partners Secure Victory for Salmon & Steelhead: Ninth Court upholds that EPA must reduce Columbia and Snake River Temperatures

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on December 20th was an important victory for Idaho’s salmon and steelhead. This ruling ensures that federal environmental regulators will be forced to uphold the standards outlined in the Clean Water Act and lower water temperatures in the Columbia River.

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Boise Meeting Concludes Salmon Work Group's 2019 Schedule
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Boise Meeting Concludes Salmon Work Group's 2019 Schedule

The Governor’s Salmon Work Group returned to Boise November 19th for their latest meeting. A condensed one day format began with discussions on the essential need for public comment opportunity at future meetings, something curiously not afforded to the public this time.

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Boise Salmon Workgroup Meeting Will Not Offer Public Comment Period
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Boise Salmon Workgroup Meeting Will Not Offer Public Comment Period

The Office of Species Conservation(OSC) released a media advisory on Wednesday, Nov 13th preceding the Salmon Workgroup meeting scheduled for Nov 19th in Boise. The advisory noted that the meeting will only be held for one day, and unlike other meetings held throughout the state, a public comment period has been eliminated from the agenda.

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