Tell Northwest elected leaders to recover wild salmon in 2022

Lower Snake River Dams Benefit Replacement Study. Gov. Jay Inslee and Sen. Patty Murray of Washington are developing a comprehensive solution to recover wild Snake River salmon and invest in Northwest communities and infrastructure. In February they released a survey, inviting people to share their thoughts on Lower Snake River dam removal and salmon recovery.

What is the Survey? This survey is open to anyone and is part of a process to gather information to identify the services currently provided by the four lower Snake River dams (LSRDs) and the opportunities to provide similar or better services if the dams were to be breached.

Click here to learn more about Governor Jay Inslee and Senator Murray’s Lower Snake River planning.

The “Murray/Inslee process” will culminate in a plan by July 31st. As concerned citizens of Idaho and the Northwest, we must make sure that the plan centers around Lower Snake River dam breaching in order to recover salmon.

The survey is 9 Questions on what it would take to replace the services the dams provide and how salmon recovery and investment would benefit different sectors. Q2 and Q9 most important to fill out

Topline - Prevent salmon extinction; biggest river restoration in American history; honor treaty rights/promises to Native Americans; importance of salmon to sport/commercial fishing, tribal communities and our economy; solutions that work for fishermen, farmers, Tribes, and utilities.

Agriculture - Federally subsidized grain barging through dams can be replaced by expanding/updating rail, grain storage, and port infrastructure. Maintain competitive and affordable rates for LSR growers.

Energy – Lower Snake dams produce modest amount of energy (4% of regional generation) that is seasonally limited. Power can be replaced by mix of clean energy resources, which are getting cheaper and are more suited to future climate change impacts.

Tourism and Recreation – The outdoor recreation industry has huge potential based on restored Lower Snake River and abundant salmon runs. Economic growth and stability for rural Idaho river towns and WA communities.

Click here to access the survey

More info on Governor Inslee and Senator Murray’s process


‘Snake River Salmon Initiative’ Public Survey Opportunity


Welcome - Tess McEnroe, IRU’s Communications Coordinator