IRU River Ambassador summer round-up
An IRU River Ambassador was Lonesome Larry for the day at Salmon Fest 2023. Photo credit: Vahn Vandelay/Sawtooth Society
As the river season starts to wind down, we checked in with our IRU Ambassadors to see how their summer went and how they’ve been conduits for river conservation and advocacy in their communities. From photographing events to fly fishing, the Marañon River in Peru to the Middle Fork of the Salmon in Idaho, the halls of a high school to the a law office in Boise, our ambassador crew has done some impressive work and outreach, while doing their part to give back to our rivers.
This summer, Meridian worked to educate on IRU's initiatives during Lochsa Fest and while she guided trips throughout Montana and Idaho. Additionally, Meridian worked to connect her work with IRU to the litigation work she did with Advocates for the West.
Jean is not only an all-star member and volunteer, she may be one of the best Lonesome Larry’s we’ve had in IRU history. Jean and her husband, Jeremy, (and their two dogs) spent lots of days on the river this summer fishing, floating, and traveling to new stretches. Jean also volunteered as a urban river steward collecting water quality samples, ran our merch booth at Salmon Fest, and also helped at Brewshed. Thanks so much for showing up!
Daniel was able to give his salmon advocacy talk to over 100 guests on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River while guiding all summer. His communication skills were clearly powerful because he brought in over $2,000 in donations from river guests after hearing his talk.
Libby has spent the majority of the summer guiding on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, including sharing a salmon interpretive talk to her guests. She’s also simultaneously working on producing a film for the Grand Salmon Source to Sea team. She’s currently in Peru running the Marañon River and advocating for stopping dams and mines at the headwaters of the river.
Besides surfing on the Boise River, Emilia spent her summer connecting young people who are passionate about the river with organizations that can help them make a difference.
Triniti packed up from Missouri and moved to Idaho this summer, and has taken full advantage of all the outdoor opportunities available. Paddleboarding, horseback riding, fly fishing, and now mountain biking, Triniti has also shared her photography talents with IRU and is volunteering with us this weekend at the Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Ketchum.
Thanks to all of these wonderful people for their dedication to Idaho’s rivers. If you’re interested in learning more about the IRU River Ambassador program, please email