Loon Outdoors: Building Sustainable Fly Fishing Products & Giving Back to Our Rivers

Loon Outdoors is a business that believes in rivers and fish, believes in being stewards of the outdoors, and gives back to like-minded organizations like Idaho Rivers United.  When you visit Loon Outdoors, you see a company passionate about making positive environmental steps and accepting that they can’t do it alone. This family-owned business uses a methodical approach to create quality products that are safe for the environment, designing products to make your day on the water spectacular. 

When asked about their business background, Brett Zundel, co-owner, eloquently stated, “Loon Outdoors started in 1991.  As with all origin stories, there is a lot to Loons.  But at the center of the story is an angler who believed that there had to be a better way to make flies sink or float without compromising on environmental stewardship.” Simple and to the point, but a rare approach. Loon builds their products with natural ingredients, and they have gone above and beyond to make products that are safe for fish, anglers, and the manufactures that are making them. 

Loon Outdoors also participates in the 1% for the Planet, meaning they give a portion of their sales directly to organizations creating positive environmental changes. Each year, Loon asks their crew to help choose where they would like the 1% funds directed and Idaho Rivers United has been one of the recipients of their generosity. Loon crewman, Tyler, stated he wanted donation funds to go to IRU, because “I want to support groups fighting to remove the four dams on the Lower Snake River." Tyler’s motivation is right in line with IRU’s current goals.

Brett, like his crew, likes rivers and fish not just for business revenue but for his soul. When asked about why rivers and fish are important, he first shared GK Chesterton’s quote: "It is very hard for a man to defend anything of which he is entirely convinced. It is comparatively easy when he is only partially convinced." He then explained, “That's the case for me with trying to explain the power or beauty or majesty or importance of rivers.  It might seem like hyperbole, but rivers bring life.  I live in the Pacific Northwest where this is literally true—salmon were historically plentiful enough to sustainably feed populations—but also in the metaphorical sense.  In my own life, so many of my most life-giving conversations have been with friends in a drift boat, with my kids in a raft, or alone on a bank.” 

We are grateful for Loon Outdoors and other businesses that dedicate their business to creating sustainable, eco-friendly products that don’t harm the environment and create a dedicated work culture of giving. Thank you, Loon Outdoors! 

About Loon Outdoors:

Loon Outdoors is the leader in innovative and environmentally friendly fly fishing and fly tying accessories. Founded in 1991, Loon’s growth into a globally recognized brand has been due to its success in developing products that perform at the highest level while honoring a commitment to protecting fish, fisheries, and fishermen/women. Loon Outdoors’ headquarters is located between the Rogue and Klamath rivers in Ashland, Oregon. Owned by Alan Peterson and Brett Zundel. For more information, visit: loonoutdoors.com. 


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