IRU's Position Statement on Today's Announcement from the Yakama and Lummi Tribes

IRU's Position Statement on Today's Announcement from the Yakama and Lummi Tribes

Idaho Rivers United has stood shoulder to shoulder with Tribal leadership on restoring salmon and steelhead populations to Idaho. As co-managers of fish and wildlife resources in the Pacific Northwest, Indigenous people provide unique expertise in the management of these resources, balancing it with cultural traditions. Collaboration with Tribal partners is a cornerstone of our work and lies at the heart of solving the salmon crisis.

We have not studied, nor held discussions, about the proposals to remove any of the dams on the Lower Columbia River, but remain resolute in our effort to restore salmon and steelhead in abundance to Idaho. The science available shows that restoring the Snake River, through removal of the 4 dams on the Lower Snake River, will be sufficient to restore Idaho’s salmon and steelhead populations in numbers great enough to recover these species. Idaho Rivers United remains committed to working with all stakeholders, including Federal, State, and Tribal governments, as well as citizens and industries toward that end. IRU has not discussed removal on the main stem Columbia but remains focused solely on the dams limiting fish into Idaho on the Lower Snake River.

IRU respects the perspectives and expertise of Tribes, both in Idaho and across the region. We share many values, and we look forward to continuing discussions on how best to restore any rights and cultural significance they have lost.


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