Hardrock mining is one of the biggest threats facing rivers worldwide.

The 1872 Mining Law desperately needs reform. This law governs hardrock mining on 350 million acres of federal public lands, more than 15% of all the land in the United States.

Watch IRU’s new short film called, “Wrong Mine, Wrong Place”

Idaho Rivers United is dedicated to meaningful reform of the archaic Mining Law of 1872.

This outdated law that governs hardrock mining on all Federal public lands has been essentially unchanged since it was initially signed over 150-years ago. Enshrined within this problematic law are numerous handouts and loopholes that mining companies happily take advantage of that leave our public lands devastated and taxpayers footing the bill for clean up, mitigation, and water treatment that is in many cases never ending.

It’s time for mining reform.

The increasing demand for electricity and emerging technology calls for increased production of raw mineral materials. Across Idaho and the Mountain West, this demand has meant a dramatic uptick in mineral exploration and renewed interest in projects and deposits that have been mothballed for years. If we are to see an increase in domestic production that is environmentally and socially just, it is critical that the 1872 Mining Law be reformed to meet the realities of the modern era. The extractive industries are also pushing for reform, but their ideas of change often look like less stringent permitting constraints, shorter timelines, and generally less oversight. 

In addition to this reform, we have a goal to get a ballot initiative to outlaw the use of cyanidation for gold mining in Idaho, similar to the successful campaign in Montana. Key partners in this coalition include the Idaho Conservation League, Save the South Fork Salmon, Advocates for the West, and Earthworks. We also work very closely with the Nez Perce Tribe on our efforts to fight the Stibnite Gold Project.

We urge you to contact your representatives and encourage them to support the Biden administration's initiative to finally bring meaningful change to this piece of legislation, and sign our petition to support reform to the 1872 mining law.

Mining threats in Idaho

IRU is committed to mining reform and minimizing the negative impacts of irresponsible mining from the headwaters to the mouth of Idaho’s rivers.

We will continue to monitor, provide comment, and object, as necessary, to proposed mining operations within Idaho. As the demand for raw materials continues to increase, we are seeing an explosion of mining activity within the state as companies begin the exploration stages evaluating mineral composition and feasibility of full scale mining operations.

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