Horse Heaven Gold Project threatens SF Salmon drainage
Source: Stallion Gold’s Horse Heaven Webpage
Towards the end of this summer, Idaho Rivers United submitted comments for the pre-scoping phase on the Horse Heaven Project in the Boise National Forest. By the end of October, we expect an updated scoping phase document to be released by the Forest Service. The project is proposed by Stallion Gold, who is a mineral exploration company based out of Vancouver, British Columbia.
The Canadian company is seeking approval to conduct exploratory drilling right outside of Yellow Pine, Idaho, with its eastern edge neighboring the Stibnite Gold Project. However, a significant problem with this prospect is that the project lies right next to Johnson Creek, the East Fork of the South Fork of the Salmon River, and the South Fork of the Salmon River. The cumulative impacts of multiple mining projects in this area could lead to significant and detrimental changes in the ecosystem.
The outstanding remarkable values that this river possesses are at risk of degradation due the potential exploratory drilling for the Horse Heaven Project and the compound impacts from the Stibnite Gold Project right next door. An increased amount of traffic and drilling activity makes it difficult to mitigate harm from these pristine watersheds. If approved to move forward, the project lies on steep terrain, which causes concern for contaminated runoff into the waterways.
Not only does the South Fork of the Salmon River hold remarkable values that are supposed to be protected under the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act, but these tributaries and rivers are critical habitat for several ESA-listed species. Idaho is known to have some of the best habitat in the world for chinook salmon, steelhead, and bull trout. Nonetheless, critical habitat for these species would be overrun from the exploitation of minerals in central Idaho.
So far, the project is still listed as a Categorical Exclusion (CE) by the Forest Service. Idaho Rivers United is pushing for the project to move forward with conducting an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) due to the significant environmental impact this project could potentially have. The adverse effects of mining need to be thoroughly investigated before any decision about this project can be made.
We will continue to update the public on the status of this project and encourage you to comment on the next phase of Horse Heaven when the time comes.