IRU’s 2019 Award Recipients

IRU’s 2019 Award Recipients

IRU was excited to honor our 2019 Award Recipients at our 25th Annual Gala for the Rivers hosted at JUMP! on Oct. 17th, 2019. Each of these individuals and organizations has made invaluable contributions to IRU over the last year and has been integral to our work. We are grateful for each of recipients and are excited to work alongside them in the coming years.

IRU’s 2019 Award Recipients

Legacy Achievement Award: Kevin Lewis

For the first time, Idaho Rivers United presented a Legacy Achievement Award. For 15 years, Kevin Lewis devoted his life to the conservation and protection of Idaho Rivers. His commitment to the mission of IRU is only surpassed by his passion for river protection.

The award was presented by Executive Director Nic Nelson. "Today I get to present to Kevin the first ever Legacy Achievement Award from IRU. Kevin has been a mentor for me, and a his passion and devotion to IRU is something I hope to emulate,” said Nic. “I have not worked with anyone else whose passion for Idaho's rivers surpasses Kevin's. Kevin is not only a colleague, but a mentor and friend."

His expertise in hydropower policy, salmon recovery, and water quality has been foundational in IRU’s work for the last decade and a half. Although Kevin is retiring from IRU, we know he will continue to fight for Idaho's rivers and salmon restoration. It was an honor to recognize and celebrate his dedication to IRU and the legacy for Idaho’s rivers that he has built.

Business Partner: Payette Brewing Company

Payette Brewing Company has partnered with IRU through donating time, energy, funds, beer, and venue space. In recognizing that clean water is key for good beer, they have committed to working with IRU to ensure that our waterways are healthy and protected. They have brought conservation messaging to events, such as the North Fork Championship, and worked to reduce waste and make their events and business more ‘green’.  Over the last year, they have made strides in supporting water quality, conservation, and advocacy efforts and eager to engage in IRU’s work.  

Conservation Partners: Advocates for the West

As a partner of IRU for several years, we are honored to recognize the integral role that Advocates for the West has played in some of our greatest successes and biggest projects.  From working alongside us to bring accountability to the Hells Canyon Complex for water quality issues to preventing mining projects in fragile habitats, Advocates for the West has provided invaluable legal counsel. Their skills and knowledge have furthered our ability to take action on environmental policy.  Their commitment to salmon, rivers, and Idaho runs deep, and we are grateful for their partnership over the years and look forward to working with them in the years to come.   

Salmon Advocate: Nez Perce Tribe

The Nez Perce Tribe has worked alongside IRU for decades to advocate for wild salmon and steelhead. They have stood shoulder to shoulder with IRU in bringing the salmon crisis into the public eye, as well as the cultural and environmental impacts of salmon extinction on their community and all of Idaho. Along with decades of experience and research on salmon, they have brought awareness to the cultural, spiritual, and historical importance of salmon. Their respect and value of salmon have highlighted the responsibility we have to protect and restore these species and the interconnectedness of humans and salmon.  They have helped us learn how to be a stronger voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. We are grateful for and honored by the partnership of the Nez Perce Tribe, and look forward to continuing to work alongside them. 

 Member of the Year: Earl Dodds

 Earl Dodds was recognized as the Member of the Year for his decades-long work in salmon recovery and river protection. As an active member of Idaho Rivers United (IRU) since 1993, Mr. Dodds has given countless hours to volunteer efforts and advocacy. Mr. Dodds has dedicated his retirement to conservation after serving as a District Ranger on the Payette National Forest for over 25 years. His experience, background in natural resources, and love for Idaho make him a powerful voice for Idaho’s Rivers. He has made invaluable contributions to IRU, river protection, and salmon recovery. 

Earl’s words highlight his commitment to protecting Idaho’s salmon and wild places:

 "We value the legacy that we will leave behind for future generations. We strive to leave this land in as good or better shape than when we found it. Hopefully those who come after us will be more than just pleased that we rose to the occasion in opposition to a project that would have made fundamental changes in West Central Idaho to the land we love, and is part of what makes Idaho-Idaho.

 What are we after? We are seeking clean water, healthy landscapes, and to leave a track of Idaho’s backcountry in a condition that we can pass onto the next generation with pride. We take a great interest in the preservation of wildlife, particularly salmon and steelhead that are on the verge of extinction in Idaho’s Salmon River system.  

There is more to life than seeking personal gain and making money." - Earl Dodds, in reference to the proposed Stibnite Mine Project at the headwaters of the South Fork of the Salmon River. 

Clean Water Advocate: Save the South Fork Coalition 

Save the South Fork advocacy group was recognized for their work to bring awareness and action to issues that threaten the health of the South Fork of the Salmon River. Since forming in 2018, their grassroots efforts have been a driving force for transparency and accountability in the proposed Midas Gold Stibnite Mine. Their partnership with IRU, other conservation non-profits, and communities has united efforts in Valley Co. and across Idaho in water quality efforts and public awareness. Fred Coriell accepted the award on behalf of Save the South Fork as IRU’s 2019 Clean Water Advocate award.

Education Advocate: Stephen Ritter

Throughout this year, Stephen Ritter has worked with IRU to implement a water quality monitoring program for the Boise River in connection with the University of Idaho.  This opportunity allows for citizens to engage in water quality monitoring, and submit their findings to a state-wide water quality database. Development of this new opportunity to learn about water quality monitoring was driven by his passion for citizen science and Idaho's rivers. He piloted the program with Team River Runners, an organization that provides adventure opportunities and community to Veterans through adaptive paddle-sport programs. 

Congratulations again to all of our 2019 Award Recipients!


Scientists Alert Policymakers in Letter That Urgent Action is Needed to Cool River Waters to Prevent Salmon Extinction


IRU's 2019 Gala for the Rivers: Oct 17th 2019