People of the South Fork Salmon
Staff Staff

People of the South Fork Salmon

Sense of place is about finding connection in the world. The people pictured and quoted here have nurtured an intimate connection with the South Fork of the Salmon River, a place threatened by new mining activity at its headwaters. 

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Public opinion strongly against new mine at Stibnite
Staff Staff

Public opinion strongly against new mine at Stibnite

The Payette National Forest on February 2 released a summary of the 536 public scoping comments it collected regarding the Midas Gold Stibnite Project. A majority of comments expressed concern. A noteworthy percentage highlight serious apprehensions for environmental quality, human health, and wildlife and species conservation on the forest.

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Salmon to benefit from new 2018 spill regime
Press Releases Staff Press Releases Staff

Salmon to benefit from new 2018 spill regime

U.S. District Court Judge Michael Simon yesterday approved a plan for increased spill at eight dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers. The plan was developed in response to the court’s April 2017 order requiring the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to spill more water through spillways (as opposed to through turbines) to boost survival of endangered salmon and steelhead.

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Lower Snake River commerce hits all-time low
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Lower Snake River commerce hits all-time low

The lower Snake River between Pasco, Wash., and Lewiston, Idaho, is first and foremost a shipping channel dammed in the 1960s and 1970s to make the water deep enough so that barges could safely navigate the canyon. The market, however, has decided against water-borne commerce on the lower Snake River. Shipping there peaked in the late 1990s and has been on a steady decline ever since. That trend continued in 2017.

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2017 Year in Review
Staff Staff

2017 Year in Review

Fighting for river protections can sometimes feel like an upstream paddle. It’s easy to lose sight of the long-range vision and difference we’re making while working hard for small victories along the way. For that reason and more, compiling an annual review of our year’s challenges and accomplishments offers a much-needed window for reflection and an opportunity to plan for work ahead. 

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