Army Corps Required to Limit Hot Water Pollution from Lower Snake Dams
Press Releases Stephen Pfeiffer Press Releases Stephen Pfeiffer

Army Corps Required to Limit Hot Water Pollution from Lower Snake Dams

In September the EPA issued discharge permits to the Army Corps of Engineers that will limit hot water and oil pollution stemming from the four Lower Snake River dams. This is a significant step in the effort to cool down river temperatures that are lethal to migrating salmon and steelhead, and a culmination of IRU’s work over the last 30 years to hold dam operators accountable to the Endangered Species Act.

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Drought and Hot Water Spell Trouble for Native Fish 
Stephen Pfeiffer Stephen Pfeiffer

Drought and Hot Water Spell Trouble for Native Fish 

A low winter snowpack that melted off more rapidly than normal, followed by extreme temperatures, has left much of the state hot and dry. Our river systems and lakes are no exception, with this summer’s warm water conditions hurting native fish populations.

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IRU, Advocates for the West, and Partners Secure Victory for Salmon & Steelhead: Ninth Court upholds that EPA must reduce Columbia and Snake River Temperatures
Press Releases Staff Press Releases Staff

IRU, Advocates for the West, and Partners Secure Victory for Salmon & Steelhead: Ninth Court upholds that EPA must reduce Columbia and Snake River Temperatures

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on December 20th was an important victory for Idaho’s salmon and steelhead. This ruling ensures that federal environmental regulators will be forced to uphold the standards outlined in the Clean Water Act and lower water temperatures in the Columbia River.

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