EPA Overturns Clean Water Rule: What It Means for Waterways and Idaho
On September 12, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rolled back protections for waterways, headwaters, and wetlands.

South Fork of the Salmon Named to Most Endangered Rivers List for Second Year
The South Fork of the Salmon, a whitewater river with important spawning habitat for migrating fish, has again been named a Most Endangered River on American River’s annual list. The reason and threat are still the same: Midas Gold’s Stibnite Project, a proposed gold mine at the headwaters of the river, that threatens downstream tribal nations, communities, and species that rely on a healthy South Fork.

Midas Gold Has No Place in the South Fork of the Salmon, No Place in Boise’s North End
On an advertising panel in Boise’s Camel’s Back Park, Midas Gold lays out the attractions of their proposed Stibnite Project located in the headwaters of the East Fork of the South Fork of the Salmon River. The advertisement claims the project will boost Idaho’s economy, provide employment opportunities, and restore fish migration to the nearby rivers and streams. Nowhere on the sign does Midas acknowledge that the Stibnite Project is a massive open-pit gold mining operation that will put a unique and cherished place at risk of losing its wild heart.

Ruling Favors Local South Fork Payette Community over Placer Mining Interests
This week a judge has ruled in favor of the Forest Service in their case against 35 placer mining claims located along the South Fork of the Payette River. The decision signifies a victory for the numerous local outfitters, rafters, kayakers, businesses, and conservation groups that opposed the development of mining activities along this stretch of river.

IRU and national allies challenge forest's Wild and Scenic planning
IRU joins national river organizations to protest Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest planning process that seeks to dismiss candidate Wild and Scenic rivers.

IRU recognizes outstanding volunteers at annual Auction for the Rivers
The work of protecting and defending Idaho’s rivers is bigger than any one organization or person can accomplish. At this year’s annual Auction for the Rivers, IRU recognized eight individuals and/or organizations who have gone above and beyond in their defense of Idaho’s rivers and fish.

Wild and Scenic Rivers Act has Idaho roots
The Wild and Scenic Rivers act protects 12,734 miles of the nation’s rivers, but it’s a cornerstone federal environmental law with distinctly Idaho roots.

IRU joins 50th anniversary Wild and Scenic panel in Moscow
IRU joined a panel discussion at the University of Idaho School of Law focusing on the fiftieth anniversary of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

South Fork of the Salmon River among America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2018
The South Fork of the Salmon River in Central Idaho was named today as one of America's Most Endangered Rivers.

Salmon-Challis collecting comments on Wild and Scenic through May 4
The Salmon-Challis National Forest is continuing to collect public input on rivers and streams it deems eligible for inclusion in the national Wild and Scenic Rivers System. The forest is accepting public comments through May 4.

Survey: Where should historic Salmon River bridge be rebuilt?
The U.S. Forest Service is proposing to rebuild Stoddard Pack Bridge near Middle Fork of the Salmon River's confluence in one of two locations. Please participate in our short survey to let us know which site you prefer.