IRU attends the River Network’s 2024 River Rally Conference

Two of our IRU crew members flew out to beautiful Grand Rapids, Michigan this week for the River Rally, an annual conference by the @rivernetwork that "connects people saving rivers." From Hydropower Reform Coalition sessions, equity and justice in strategic communications, the Clean Water Act in action, we're excited to learn, network, and explore the work being done nationwide in river conservation. We will be bringing back what we've learned from our sessions and speakers into our work at IRU specifically through our Urban River Stewards Program, Tribal partnerships, and Wild & Scenic Rivers campaign. Thanks for having us! You can learn more at

Here’s a recap of a few of the sessions we attended:

FERC Regulated Hydropower dams: Licensing, Impacts & Removal Session

  • FERC compliance - offers a way to shape operations, improve impacts but occurs only every 30-50 years, offers input from Tribes (which should have increased authority from sovereign nations), agencies, river stewards, communities, stakeholders

  • Improve Tribal authority

  • Types of hydropower - conventional or pumped storage open loop or closed loop

  • 90,000 dams (over 30’ high / high hazard if it failed) = 2500 or 3% have hydropower, 1600 regulated by FERC

  • 500,000+ estimated to be on US rivers, old, historic

  • 459 hydropower plants up for relicensing in the next 10 years

  • Size doesn’t correlate to impact of dams

  • Impact: changes to flows impact fish, water quality, fish migration/blocking, shorelines, ESA protection, cultural preservation and recreation

Communication Strategy - mystic river case study

  • Ideas - cities change rivers

  • toolbox/branding for graphics - entryway/quick way to engage building an informed constituency = annual recap of stats, consistent blogs and articles

  • How to you show things when there is nothing to show - K-12 education/graphics/videos through grants.

  • Drainage /storm drains stenciling art with kids!

America the Beautiful for All Coalition - Biden/Harris

  • Conserve 30% of land water ocean by 2030

  • Implement just 40 - 40% of investments given to voices and communities who are typically underrepresented

  • 250 orgs run by categories with a policy agenda

  • FEMA support

  • Reform the clean water act and funding as a result of the Sackett ruling via EPA

  • Remove dams - columbia / snake, restore fish/aquatic species

Tess McEnroe

Communications Director


A Toxic Turn: How the Mining Regulatory Clarity Act of 2024 Endangers Public Lands


IRU & partners challenge the Forest Service’s approval of the Burntlog Route at Stibnite