As Year End Approaches, Consider an Investment in Idaho’s Rivers

You’ve provided security for yourself in the future, now you can plan to provide security for Idaho’s rivers. Your retirement plan is a simple, tax-efficient way to invest in Idaho’s rivers, helping secure the future of our fisheries and waterways. 

If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make a rollover gift to IRU directly from your individual retirement account (IRA). Not only is this a huge benefit for IRU, but can be of great benefit to you, as well. These gifts will count toward your required minimum distribution but not count as taxable income. Your gift will immediately go to work on our conservation initiatives, such as recovering salmon and steelhead or protecting your public waters from development and extraction. To make a gift directly from your IRA, simply contact your plan administrator and request an IRA charitable rollover.

Finally, after designating your family in your retirement plans, consider adding IRU as one of your planned beneficiaries. There are numerous tax advantages to adding IRU, including the fact that most retirement plans are subject to income or inheritance tax if left to an individual, but Idaho Rivers United can receive these assets tax-free. Adding IRU in your planned gift will ensure the conservation legacy you have crafted in life will continue in perpetuity.

For more information on ways to give with your retirement assets, contact Nic Nelson at 208-343-7481 or Always consult with your tax advisor before making any final decisions about your retirement assets.


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