Thankful for YOU.

In this season of thankfulness, the Idaho Rivers United crew is feeling exceptionally grateful for our IRU members and business partners -- all 2,138 of you!

Members are the backbone of Idaho Rivers United, providing technical expertise, amplifying river conservation messages, engaging in learning, social, and volunteer opportunities, and giving generously to support our work.

We recognize that the extraordinary circumstances of 2020 have affected each and every one of us, and are all the more appreciative of the time and resources you have shared with IRU this year.

This year, IRU members and supporters have sent over 6,000 letters to elected officials and the USFS regarding projects impacting our rivers.  More than 3,000 of you engaged in our virtual River Advocacy Trainings, covering topics from salmon to mining to Wild & Scenic rivers. You raised a glass with us at our virtual happy hours, logged river and trail miles for our inaugural River Run, cleaned up your local rivers, and shared inspiration at the virtual Wild & Scenic Film Festival.

Whatever your Thanksgiving may look like this year, we hope you are able to enjoy the solace of a river nearby.  Please know that we think of you all daily as we go about our work and look forward to a day when we can gather in-person and share our appreciation again.  We are tremendously grateful that you choose to support Idaho Rivers United.  

Thank you.


Why we love rivers - and why they're essential to our wellbeing


We heard you loud and clear; the South Fork Salmon River is worth protecting.