IRU Volunteer Program Update
Sydney Anderson Sydney Anderson

IRU Volunteer Program Update

IRU’s volunteer programs are in full swing this summer. This year, we launched a monthly clean-up effort along the Boise River and started two new stewardship programs – the Sawtooth Salmon Stewardship Program and the Boise Urban River Stewardship Program.

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EcoFlights during the Society of Environmental Journalists Conference
Nick Kunath Nick Kunath

EcoFlights during the Society of Environmental Journalists Conference

At the end of April, Idaho Rivers United staff joined our partner organization, EcoFlight, to help lead a number of overflights during the Society of Environmental Journalists Conference in Boise. EcoFlight was busy in the sky during the conference, leading flights over a number of different projects all around southern Idaho. All of the flights that IRU led focused on mining projects across the state.

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