Drought and Hot Water Spell Trouble for Native Fish 
Stephen Pfeiffer Stephen Pfeiffer

Drought and Hot Water Spell Trouble for Native Fish 

A low winter snowpack that melted off more rapidly than normal, followed by extreme temperatures, has left much of the state hot and dry. Our river systems and lakes are no exception, with this summer’s warm water conditions hurting native fish populations.

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Losing through Winning
Nic Nelson Nic Nelson

Losing through Winning

It is our uncompromising mission to ensure that salmon and steelhead do not go extinct. The science, empirically and unequivocally, shows us that the required path to recovery of Idaho’s salmon and steelhead is through restoring the Snake River to a free-flowing, natural river. We will go to court to ensure that our fish are not relegated to a history book, but let me be clear, we would rather be working together with the Tribes, farmers, and regional representatives on the proposal from Congressman Simpson that benefits each stakeholder group. A path forward that benefits every Idahoan has been offered, and it is our hope that we can move forward within this framework to achieve long-term salmon recovery and regional prosperity.

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Predictions suggest another year of low salmon returns for 2021
Stephen Pfeiffer Stephen Pfeiffer

Predictions suggest another year of low salmon returns for 2021

Official predictions for 2021 Columbia Basin Chinook and sockeye returns were released late last year by regional fishery managers. The outlook for Idaho’s Snake River species in 2021 follows similar trends from the last few years: a very low abundance of wild salmon.

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Press Release: NW conservation and fishing organizations praise governors’ salmon agreement; press for urgency and action
Press Releases Guest Author Press Releases Guest Author

Press Release: NW conservation and fishing organizations praise governors’ salmon agreement; press for urgency and action

SEATTLE—Conservation organizations throughout the Pacific Northwest today praised an Agreement issued by Governors Brad Little of Idaho, Kate Brown of Oregon, Jay Inslee of Washington and Steve Bullock of Montana outlining goals for a regional initiative to restore salmon in the Columbia-Snake River basin.

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